Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Co-ordinating Community of Workers Left Unity Iran

The terrorist attacks of 11th of September 2001, were truly deplorable and should be condemned unequivocally. Suicidal terrorism, especially in such a cruel scale is the expression of a moral crisis and an affront socialists who describe humanity in its colourful diversity, unity and solidarity. The causes of terrorism are not cultural, geographical or religious but an expression of hatred as dark and as deadly as those who today claim to be its opponents. When the legitimacy of those in power is eroded, when the downtrodden cannot rise to create and for a better life, they rise for death and destruction. Today when poverty, deprivation and injustice have become more than ever global, the use of violence and terrorism has no national or cultural identity. Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism associated with it are themselves products of a period marked by the collapse of Stalinism and the absence of a powerful radical left. In addition to espousing reactionary ideas (anti worker, anti women, nationalist...) it targets individuals rather than the capitalist system. We must therefore be quite clear in its condemnation, however NONE of the states that claim to confront terrorism can be taken seriously when their opposition to terrorism is conditional upon its targets. They are against terrorism that targets them and their interests. They suppress some terrorist groups, while simultaneously creating, organising and supporting others.

It is common knowledge that Ossama Bin Laden was created by the CIA, Hamas was a child of Mossad, the Taleban were the product of Saudi treasury, Pakistani Military Intelligence and the US's Defence Department alongside groups supported by Iran;s clerical regime. In addition the use of terror tactics and state violence is rarely denied by any state in the world. If anyone had any doubts about the nature of the 'anti terrorist' alliance thought by the United States, the United Kimgdom and European Union , attempts at getting Iran or Syria to join the 'Alliance ' clearly show the double standards chosen in definition of 'terrorism' and 'state terrorism'. Iran's Islamci regime has executed at least 15,000 of its own citizens for being socialists. 3000 political prisoners many of them nearing the end of their sentences were killed by the authorities in Iranian prisons in 1988. Any attempts to even mention these events, 4 years into the rule of a so called Reformist president , is a crime yet there has rarely been such an obvious example of state violence against innocent individuals. At least two courts one in Germany and one in France have indicted high ranking members of the Iranian government in terrorist activities aimed at executing oponnents of the regime abroad. But who cares, as long as Iran is against the Taleban, its rehabilitation takes hours, Mr Blair speaks to its president, The Foreign secretary and high ranking EU officials visit it in successive days. The Northern Alliance portrayed as a beacon of freedom is itself a fundamentalist group , supported and funded by Iranian Taleban, yet we are told they will save the world if they come to power with US help.

Confrontation with terrorism has no police solution, it cannot be resolved by using modern intelligence methods or pursuit, one cannot hope to solve the problem with judicial or punitive measures and one cannot declare war on it. More complicated police measure will only lead to more sophisticated and complicated methods of terrorist organisation. The speeches by official US spokespersons in their immediate reaction to events of 11th of Sept and what has been published in the press and media as their response to these events is truly frightening. This tendency tries to use the banner of fighting terrorism to implement extremely adventurous policies, which have nothing to do with combating terrorism, and indeed will widen the sphere of terrorist activities. This tendency tries to abuse the moral conditions to change the problem and convert the need for fighting terrorism to a need for a war that will change internal and worldwide political scene. In this respect, what happened on the 11th of Sept is portrayed not as a terrorist act but with unprecedented dimensions it is presented as invasion of US territory and a complete war on this country.

On the other hand the war has been portrayed not as a normal war but one with worldwide dimensions, unlimited in time and space with a police - military characteristic and the requirements for winning such a war is the need to change everything inside and outside the country from the day after the attack. According to this tendency internally one must return to McCarthyism and establish a police estate in order to block terrorist activities, encouraging racist, nationalist prejudices, supporting racial, cultural superiority as the ideological basis necessary for such a state. Outside too, the aim is to impose a new world order where US domination is accepted with no ifs or buts, Failure to pay obedience to this order is equal to supporting terrorism and at a time when the first war of the 21st century is against terrorism, such a disobedience by any state or order is worthy of military repression. This tendency clearly attempts to create a new empire and believes that the collapse of the twin towers of World Trade Centre in New York has created the ideal conditions for the realisation of such a dream and the slogan 'war against terrorism' bears such a responsibility.

At a time when the world economy is seeing clear signs of a crisis, this tendency can be strengthened quickly, enhancing the atmosphere of police violence, an increase in racial and religious animosity. Such a development will be harmful in any event, however undoubtedly its damage at a time when the workers movement and the anti capitalist movement is rising after a period of recession, is more damaging than ever before. It is precisely because of this that efforts to stop it are as important as confronting terrorism. The first reactions to proclamations by the US authorities leave no doubt that the world is considering them with sensitivity combined with cynicism. This reaction while condemning terrorism has refused to support violent reactions to events. Inside the United States a large coalition of political forces have realise the depth of dangers ahead and despite the heavy atmosphere created by the Bush administration, they have stopped it from taking adventurous steps. One can hope that as the American people recover from the shock of recent events and realise the worrying truth behind the 'anti terrorism' slogans they will join a campaign against terrorism, warmongering and police state. In such a campaign International solidarity is a condition for victory. Once we accept that the senseless cycle of terrorist and police violence inflict the worst damage to the anti capitalist global movement, we can be sure that the workers movement, women, environmentalists, opponents of war and nuclear armament will realise the negative aspects of recent developments and will join the battle in full force. The violence of terrorist, military and police forces is today a real danger however it is just as easy to defeat it now as ever before, we cannot hesitate in fighting it.