Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Hague Appeal for Peace Youth

Dear Mr. President,

As representatives of youth organizations with thousands of members around the world, we would like to express our solidarity, grief and deep sadness over the events that occurred in New York, Washington and Pittsburgh on September 11th. Our hearts and prayers are with the families and friends of the innocent victims of this terrible tragedy. We see it as a barbaric, fanatical and senseless attack against thousands of civilians, and we strongly condemn it.

Those terrible attacks cannot be justified under any circumstances. Attacks on innocent people anywhere cannot be tolerated and we stand strong in our commitment to work together to eradicate terrorism. An attack on the United States on the International Day of Peace means an attack on international co-operation. The best way to fight back against this evil is by establishing an international coalition of peaceable countries. Representing peace- and life-loving young people from around the world, we make a plea to the US Government for restraint, and urge you not to respond to the current situation by shedding the blood of other innocent victims. Military strikes would hurt innocent civilians, and may generate a tragedy of even larger dimensions than that in the United States. They could also lead to international war.

We wish to express our understanding that deep feelings of pain and grief at this injustice can easily lead to desire for revenge, and we therefore understand the pressure that is being put on the US Government by the many affected people, whose emotions are still raw. However, history has shown us time and again that responding to violence with more indiscriminate violence only serves to perpetuate the spiral of death, suffering and hatred. As Ghandi said, "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind". We insist that the US administration must make a distinction between the guilty and the innocent.

The US administration now has the unique opportunity: either to truly represent the high ideals of lawfulness and freedom that we and the rest of the democratic world claim to represent - or to put us on an equal footing with the terrorists we are fighting against. To believe that in the struggle against terrorism the ends justify the means is to buy into the same logic of terrorism.

Mr. President, we urge you to take time for reflection and to examine the existing alternatives to violence that will bring justice, and to demonstrate that Americans and the rest of the democratic world can handle conflict without bloodshed. We urge you to consider the inevitable consequences of allowing a retaliatory act of war against a nation composed in its majority of thousands of innocent people. As young people, we urge you to think of the young people and children who will become senseless victims of such irrational revenge. Many of the children in those attacked countries may grow up to hate the United States. And some of those people who hate the United States may become future terrorists.

We are justifiably angry about this massive attack on innocent people that happened on September 11th. But we see beyond our anger, and recognize that history is placing us, and especially you Mr. President, at a unique crossroads. We are faced with the opportunity to prevent thousands of other young and innocent people from harboring such anger and hence to break the spiral of violence and destruction.

Thus, in our quest to create a peaceful and sustainable world for all, we urge you and the members of your Cabinet, to listen to our voices and :
  • While recognizing our shared pain and anger, seek justice in its highest form and not to merely appease those who want revenge. Explore legal remedies on the basis of the democracy we defend.
  • Seek long term social justice in coalition with the rest of the democratic world and the United Nations to address the problem of terrorism and dismantle, piece by piece, terrorist organizations until they no longer threaten us.
  • Examine the deep structural reasons lying beneath such heinous acts of terrorism - i.e. the roots of the hatred that provoked them, in the light of US foreign policy and the inequity and injustice that reigns in much of the world.
  • We finally ask you to remember that hatred and anger will never heal our planet and our hearts. Only love and compassion can and will.
Recognizing the important choice that lies in your hands, we wish to express our realization of our interconnectedness as human beings. We are, and always will be, in this together. Let us join our efforts to bring peace and justice into our world.

We trust that you will listen to our voice and make the right choice.